



Low participation threshold, single step to complete the challenge

Select Challenge Mode


Demo Fund Challenge

You will be required to pay an enrollment fee in advance to obtain a demo account to participate in the challenge and to trade with demo funds, and your enrollment fee will be fully refunded if the challenge goal is achieved.

Trading Challenge Stage


Trading Challenge Stage

M.T.I. focuses on developing investors' trading behavior through staged challenges to accomplish trading goals in accordance with risk management rules. If the challenges are met, the investor will be rewarded with a high profit split account and profit splits.

Challenge Account
  • A one-step process that makes challenge goals clear and easy to reach
  • Complete the challenge in as little as 4 days
  • Low spreads, cryptocurrency and other trending products
  • Live tutorials by experts, real-time interactive solutions
  • Real-time customer service support, one-on-one answer to difficulties

Profit Split Stage


Profit Split Stage

Successful progression demonstrates your trading commitment and talent to the Profit Split stage for trading funds up to $200,000 with no profit limit. Investors have no capital at risk and enjoy up to 80% split on profits.

Earnings Split Account
  • Provide up to $200,000 in trading funds
  • Incentive up to 80% of earned split
  • No Profit Cap
  • Up to 1 split withdrawals per month

Know your challenge goals and rules

Before you officially join the PropTrader Challenge, we will test your profitability and risk management skills through specific challenge objectives and rules to ensure that you are a disciplined and experienced investor. Successful completion of the challenge not only proves your professional trading skills, but also unlocks a Profit Split Account of up to $200,000 and entitles you to a profit split of up to 80%.

Challenge Mode:

Initial Capital

* The first time you enroll in the Live Challenge, your enrollment fees are waived. As long as the initial capital in your account meets the requirements of the event., you will also have the opportunity to receive a high profit split account for trading with your own fund.

* Investors are required to pay an enrollment fee to obtain a certain amount of Demo Fund Challenge account and use the Demo Fund Challenge. The enrollment fee will be fully refunded if the challenge is completed.

Step 1
Trading Challenge
Step 2
Profit Split
Initial Capital
${{numFormat(dwActItem2.fundsLevel )}}(20x)

The initial Fund in a Live Fund Challenge is the actual funds in the investor's account. This money must meet the initial Fund requirements of the campaign. The investor will use this money to make trades, and any profit from the trades will be credited to the account balance and counted in the challenge statistics, allowing the investor to easily realize the profit goal of the challenge. Before participating in the simulated funds challenge, a registration fee must be paid to open a simulated funds account. Upon completion of the challenge objectives, the registration fee will be fully refunded.

Split Rate

Challenge Period
{{getText('TC_27', dwActItem.duration)}}

Targeted Trading Day
{{getText('TC_27', 4)}}

Indra-day Loss Limit(5%)

Accumulated Loss Limit(10%)

Targeted Profit(10%)

Intraday Profit Limit(30%)

Challenge Enrollment Fee
Original Price: ${{numFormat(dwActItem.originalFee)}} / Times Spot Price: ${{numFormat(dwActItem.entryFee)}} / Times (≈{{currency}}{{numFormat((dwActItem.entryFee*rate), 2)}})
${{numFormat(dwActItem.entryFee)}} / Times
(≈{{currency}}{{numFormat((dwActItem.entryFee*rate), 2)}})
Fees waived for 1st time enrollment (Original Price: ${{numFormat(dwActItem.originalFee)}} / Times)

Sign up for the challenge for the first time and get a 7-day free trial of Trading Signals! Add customer service to receive your exclusive experience coupon.

Hands-on Tutorials

Strengthen trading skills and risk control capabilities to help you easily complete the challenge!

Hundreds of Global Assets Available for Trading

Selling Price
Buying Price
Increase/ Decrease

Try the $10,000 Trading Challenge for FREE!

Test and refine your trading skills and explore our challenge process.

Master Guidance | Help You Easily Pass the Challenge

Gather top trading experts for one-on-one professional coaching, offering trading courses and problem-solving solutions to help you develop solid trading skills and discipline. Easily tackle trading challenges and swiftly pass the challenge!


Exciting Courses Coming Soon

  • 9 years of professional trading experience
  • 6 consecutive years of average annualized returns of more than 100%
  • In-depth trading strategies and practical training to enhance students' trading skills
Hoàng Dzũng

Exciting Courses Coming Soon

  • 6 years trading experience
  • Earned 100x profits in 3 years
  • Multiple implemented and proven EA strategies.

Exciting Courses Coming Soon

Become an M.T.I. Global Partner Instructor, work with top trading masters to create a world-class trading academy

Join M.T.I. Now

Why choose M.T.I.?

Learn about M.T.I.'s unique advantages over other platforms.

The M.T.I. Advantage

  • A one-step process that makes challenge goals clear and easy to reach
  • Complete the challenge in as little as 4 days
  • First challenge, enjoy a luxury gift package at a low cost.
  • Offer a free trial, zero-cost experience challenge
  • Low trading spreads to minimize exam difficulty
  • Offers a wide range of trading products, including cryptocurrency
  • Up to 1 split withdrawals per month
  • Real-time customer service support, one-on-one answer to difficulties
  • Live tutorials by experts, real-time interactive solutions
  • Real-time trading signals to enhance confidence in decision-making.
  • Comprehensive Technical Indicator Support to Enhance Trading Efficiency
  • Daily market strategy updates to enhance your investing skills
  • Trader's Challenge Certificate enhances professional image and strengthens competitiveness in the job market

Compare the challenges offered by other platforms

  • The steps are numerous and the rules are vague and confusing.
  • Challenges are lengthy and not as efficient as desired
  • High participation fees discourage people from participating
  • No free trial makes it difficult to decide whether to join or not.
  • High spreads, depriving investors of profit margins
  • Restricted trading products, no support for emerging assets
  • Complicated withdrawal procedures and slow processing speed
  • Slow customer service response and inadequate support
  • Lack of direct interaction with experts
  • Lack of real-time trading support
  • Limited technical support not conducive to strategy implementation
  • Lack of Market Movement Analysis and Strategy Updates
  • Lack of professional certification and value-added services

Realize your potential and start the M.T.I. Trading Challenge!

Free registration Go to dashboard
Trading Challenge Stage Profit Split Stage

Trading Challenge Stage

M.T.I. has developed a single challenge process based on key challenge objectives, including an intra-day loss limit, an accumulated loss limit, a profit target and a target number of trading days. Participants are required to achieve these goals within 90 days of the event. Successful fulfillment of M.T.I.'s challenge criteria is reviewed and approved before moving on to the Profit Split stage.

Targeted Profit Indra-day Loss Limit Accumulated Loss Limit

The Activity Rules stipulate that at any time during any trading day, the sum of the closed positions and the floating profits and losses of the positions being held in the investor's account must not exceed the Intraday Loss Limit (5%).

Each trading day during the validity period of the challenge will be allocated a certain level of opening balances, the highest of which is called the 「previous Peak Opening Balance」. The rules require that the difference between the 「Previous Peak Opening Balance」 minus the Real Net Worth at any point in time during the trading day must not exceed 10% of the Initial Funds.

During the challenge stage, the profit target is 10% of the initial capital. This means that the investor can actively trade to achieve the specified profit amount at any time.

In order to achieve this goal, investors need to trade for at least 10 trading days during the challenge period. A trading day is defined as a day on which at least one new position is opened or a position is maintained.

① Indra-day Loss Limit (5%)
 Meet the standard

The Activity Rules stipulate that at any time during any trading day, the sum of the closed positions and the floating profits and losses of the positions being held in the investor's account must not exceed the Intraday Loss Limit (5%).)

② Accumulated Loss Limit (10%)
 Meet the standard

Each trading day during the validity period of the challenge will be allocated a certain level of opening balances, the highest of which is called the 「previous Peak Opening Balance」. The rules require that the difference between the 「Previous Peak Opening Balance」 minus the Real Net Worth at any point in time during the trading day must not exceed 10% of the Initial Funds.

③ Targeted Profit (10%)
 Meet the standard

During the challenge stage, the profit target is 10% of the initial capital. This means that the investor can actively trade to achieve the specified profit amount at any time.

④ Targeted Trading Day ({{getText('TC_27', 4)}})
{{getText('TC_27', 4)}}
 Meet the standard

In order to achieve this goal, investors need to trade for at least 10 trading days during the challenge period. A trading day is defined as a day on which at least one new position is opened or a position is maintained.

Profit Split Stage

In the Profit Split stage, investors can trade with up to $200,000 and there is no profit limit in this stage, giving investors the freedom to pursue higher profits according to their own strategies. Not only do M.T.I. investors do not have to worry about capital risk, but they can also enjoy up to 80% profit split.

Indra-day Loss Limit Accumulated Loss Limit

The Activity Rules stipulate that at any time during any trading day, the sum of the closed positions and the floating profits and losses of the positions being held in the investor's account must not exceed the Intraday Loss Limit (5%).)

Each trading day during the validity period of the challenge will be allocated a certain level of opening balances, the highest of which is called the 「previous Peak Opening Balance」. The rules require that the difference between the 「Previous Peak Opening Balance」 minus the Real Net Worth at any point in time during the trading day must not exceed 10% of the Initial Funds.

① Indra-day Loss Limit (5%)
 Meet the standard

The Activity Rules stipulate that at any time during any trading day, the sum of the closed positions and the floating profits and losses of the positions being held in the investor's account must not exceed the Intraday Loss Limit (5%).)

② Accumulated Loss Limit (10%)
 Meet the standard

Each trading day during the validity period of the challenge will be allocated a certain level of opening balances, the highest of which is called the 「previous Peak Opening Balance」. The rules require that the difference between the 「Previous Peak Opening Balance」 minus the Real Net Worth at any point in time during the trading day must not exceed 10% of the Initial Funds.