Before accepting the challenge, please ensure that you have read and understood the objectives and rules of the challenge.
Upon successful registration, investors can start the Live Challenge immediately or choose our recommended Free Trial. The Free Trial is a simplified version of the Live Challenge, designed to help investors train their trading skills and provide a similar trading environment and platform experience to the Live Challenge, with a certificate of merit for successful completion of the Free Trial phase of the challenge. We offer each investor three free trials to ensure that they are fully prepared before facing the Live Challenge.
Please note! Completion of the Free Trial Challenge does not directly qualify you for a live account. Despite the investor's outstanding performance during the Free Trial period, becoming an M.T.I. Proprietary Trader is still subject to the evaluation process of the Live Account Challenge.
PropTrader is dedicated to improving the trading skills of investors and nurturing the best in the industry. Through our carefully designed progressive evaluation process, we accurately assess the trading level of our investors. Investors who successfully complete the assessment will be given access to a live trading account and will be entitled to up to 80% commission on their profits.
We understand that the road to trading success is challenging! That's why we offer comprehensive education programs, KOL live trading and VIP services to help investors grow in many ways and help them become professional traders.
Trading is a difficult task. As an investor, you may face many common problems, such as:
  • - Insufficient funds in your account
  • - Worrying about losing your capital
  • - Psychological stress
  • - Lack of discipline
  • - Limited room for growth
  • - Lack of effective support

This will be a daunting task for anyone wishing to use their own funds for retail trading! By joining M.T.I. PropTrader, you will be provided with an account with up to $100,000 in Live Account to trade without any real risk of loss.

From our own trading experience, we know that being a great investor requires not only sufficient capital, but also a quality trading environment and an advanced and fast trading platform. We provide our investors with an innovative trading app designed to enhance their trading edge.

We carefully evaluate our investors' trading results and provide them with feedback. Our rules are designed to foster professional risk management habits and help you become a better investor, avoiding common problems for newcomers such as over-trading, revenge trading and excessive use of leverage.

We aim to provide all the necessary support and guidance to help you succeed in your trading journey and ultimately become a professional in the industry.
We offer investors a free trial version of the Live Account Challenge, which is designed to help new clients understand the process and assess their trading ability to determine if they are qualified to become a M.T.I. proprietary trader. If an investor is able to achieve good results in the free trial opportunity, it means that you will be able to comfortably handle the full Live Account Challenge in the future, which will be an encouragement to start the journey of becoming an M.T.I. proprietary trader.

Please note! Completion of the Free Trial Challenge does not directly qualify you for a live account. Despite the investor's outstanding performance during the Free Trial period, becoming an M.T.I. Proprietary Trader is still subject to the evaluation process of the Live Account Challenge.

Due to the popularity of the Free Trial Challenge amongst investors, we are handing out a large number of accounts on a daily basis. We offer each investor three free trial opportunities to ensure fairness and limit each investor to one free trial account at a time.
After successfully registering with M.T.I., investors can begin the challenge of becoming an M.T.I. proprietary trader by selecting a challenge account that meets your personal initial funding requirements and paying the corresponding challenge fee.

The challenge process is briefly described below:

Evaluation Stage
We will provide investors with an Evaluation Challenge account at this stage and the challenge period will be 90 days. Investors will be required to trade according to the trading objectives we have set. During this process, you will enjoy the support of our quality trading environment and advanced trading platform. Upon successful completion of the assessment, we will review your trading performance and ask for proof of identity (e.g. passport or ID card) to ensure the security of your account.

Live Stage
Upon successful completion of the assessment phase, you will officially become a M.T.I. proprietary trader and receive a live trading account of up to $100,000 for 90 days with commissions of up to 80% of your profits. This process is designed to develop investors into professional traders who enjoy the fulfillment and rewards of professional trading.

Our goal is to identify and develop people with professional trading potential, and through our carefully designed evaluation process, we ensure that each investor is in the best position to realize his or her trading skills, and ultimately, his or her dream of becoming a professional trader.
Simply trade for a minimum of 10 trading days (no need to be consecutive) during the 90-day evaluation period. After you have successfully passed our review, you will officially become a M.T.I. proprietary trader.
We will begin preparing your Live Account Challenge account as soon as we receive your enrollment fee. The process usually takes 10-30 minutes, if you do not receive your account information within a longer period of time, please contact the M.T.I. Customer Service team for assistance.

Upon successful registration, your trading platform login credentials will be available for viewing on the Challenge Overview or Account Details pages.

Please ensure that your login credentials are secure and not leaked to third parties. We will not be responsible for any losses incurred by investors whose accounts are accessed by others.
The challenge entry fee is primarily used to cover the design, development and operation of the M.T.I. platform, including the educational services and KOL expert coaching provided. The exact amount of the enrollment fee depends on the initial funding of your chosen challenge account. Upon successful payment of the enrollment fee, you will not only be able to participate in a live funding challenge, but also enjoy a variety of value-added services designed to enhance your learning and trading experience.

What's more, once you have successfully passed the evaluation stage of the Live Account Challenge, we will usually complete the review within one business day (excluding holidays). Upon successful completion, your challenge fee will be refunded to your bank account via local transfer or bank remittance.
Investors are required to pay an enrollment fee before each challenge, we do not charge any other additional or hidden fees.
When you are promoted to the real trading stage, it means that we have great confidence in your trading skills and risk management. Therefore, we have removed the following restrictions on several trading conditions to reduce the pressure you may encounter when pursuing specific profit goals and provide you with greater trading flexibility:

➢ At least 10 trading days;
➢ 10% profit target;
➢ 30% profit consistency rule;

You only need to comply with the "4% intraday maximum drawdown limit" and the "6% cumulative maximum drawdown limit", which is the key to maintaining healthy trading habits. The period of use of the real capital account is 90 days. If your drawdown exceeds the limit during this period, or when the period expires, your account will be deactivated. At that time, we will automatically calculate the total profit and loss during the period and forcefully close all open orders and include them in the total profit and loss. If the total profit and loss of the account is positive, please submit a withdrawal request. We usually complete the review within 1 working day (excluding holidays). After passing the review, you will receive a reward equivalent to 80% of the profit as a reward for your achievement.

We encourage you to actively pursue profits within a rigorous risk management framework.
Once you have made a profit in a Live Account Challenge and completed your withdrawal request, we will usually review your request within one business day (excluding holidays). Upon successful review, your challenge entry fee will be refunded to your bank account via local transfer or bank remittance.
No, the use of Expert Advisors (EA) for trading is not allowed.
During the challenge, there is no requirement to close positions on the same day. There is no time limit for holding positions, allowing traders to operate freely based on their individual trading skills and strategies.
The maximum intraday drawdown limit is very critical to the assessment of traders' proficiency. Successful traders will be good at managing account funds and controlling risks. The maximum intraday drawdown limit is 4% of the starting capital, which means that at any time On a trading day, the maximum reduction in account equity should not exceed this limit. The maximum drawdown calculation formula is: maximum drawdown value = the highest account equity value - the lowest account equity value.
For example, the starting capital is 20,000 US dollars, and the maximum intraday drawdown limit is $800. The highest value minus the lowest value of the account equity on each trading day should not exceed $800. If the highest profit on the day reaches $20,900, then use $20900-$800 is calculated, and the account equity cannot be less than $20100.

Please note that the maximum intraday drawdown limit includes closed orders, open orders, spreads and overnight fees.
The cumulative maximum drawdown limit is 6% of the starting capital, which means that from the beginning to the end of the challenge, the maximum reduction in the account equity should not exceed this drawdown limit. The maximum drawdown calculation formula is: Maximum Retracement value = the highest value of account equity - the lowest value of account equity.
For example, assuming the starting capital is $20,000, the cumulative maximum drawdown limit is $1,200. The maximum value of your account equity minus the minimum value during the challenge period should not exceed $1,200. For example, the maximum profit of the total position is $22,000 , then use $22000-$1200 for calculation, and the account equity cannot be less than $20800.

Please note that the cumulative maximum drawdown limit includes closed orders, open orders, spreads and overnight fees.
The profit target for the challenge account is set at 10% of the initial capital. The profit target refers to the total profit from closed orders on the account at any time during the challenge period.
For example, if you are participating in a challenge with $20,000, the total profit from closed orders on the account should be $20,000 * 10% = $2,000 at any time before the challenge deadline.
Withdrawal of profit is defined as the profit earned from 90 days of trading in a Live Account during a single challenge period, and you will be entitled to withdraw 80% of your profit as commission. Please note! At the end of the 90-day trading period, the account will be settled in a lump sum with 80% of the total profit. If the profit is negative, it cannot be withdrawn. There is no profit limit in live trading.
During the evaluation challenge stage, in order to truly evaluate the participants' trading skills, the platform implemented a 30% profit consistency rule. In the challenge, the profit of a single order must not exceed 30% of the profit target, and the excess will not be included in the total profit. The single profit limit is calculated based on the profit target.
For example:
Participate in the US$20,000 challenge account with a profit target of US$2,000. The 30% profit limit is $600 ($2,000 * 30% = $600). Any single profit exceeding $600 will not be included in the final total profit.
Note: Real capital accounts are not restricted by this rule.
During the weekend, virtual currencies (including BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC, BNB) can still be traded. Other products are closed and you will not be able to open new positions. If you have existing positions, they will be held until the end of the week and will continue when the market for that product opens. Investors are advised to be aware of the trading hours and to make reasonable arrangements for their trading plans.
There are no specific trading restrictions, allowing traders to fully utilize their trading skills.
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