

Profit rate
{{singleObj.cumuReturns>0 ? `+` : ''}}{{(singleObj.cumuReturns*100).toFixed(2)}}%
Profit amount
$ {{numFormat(Number(singleObj.profitTotal), 2)}}
Win rate
Number of signals per day
Trading Period
Covered Products
Subscription Period
Repeated Subscription

* Trading signals are for reference only and do not constitute any investment advice. Investment decisions should be based on personal independent judgment.

What are trading signals?

Signals are not only a quick-start tool for beginners, but also a complementary tool for experienced investors. In the world of trading, signals reveal every trading opportunity to investors through professional market analysis and forward-looking forecasts. A complete set of trading signals can help investors:

What products can I trade?

Clearly advising investors on products that should be considered so that their choices are better informed.

At what price will I buy or sell?

Indicate the best time and price to buy or sell, so investors can trade as close to their goals as possible.

How to set stop-loss and take-profit prices?

Helps investors manage risk more effectively by laying out a clear exit strategy and profit target for each trade.

In this way, whether you are a trading newbie or an experienced investor, you can use these signals to quickly grasp market dynamics, optimize your strategy, and move towards success.

Market Leadership, Excellent Service

Accurate and efficient trading signals allow investors to move forward in volatile markets. Our strategies are designed to excel in different market conditions and minimize trading risk. Led by experienced trading professionals, we employ proven strategies to respond to market changes with prudence and optimism. Strict risk control and close monitoring of market movements are designed to maximize returns for investors at every step of their trading decisions! We are your most reliable partner in your trading journey.

Simple steps to join M.T.I. VIP Trading Signals


Choose a subscription period

Choose a subscription period that best suits your personal trading needs.


Complete Payment

We support both credit card and USDT payment methods to simplify the payment process for investors.


Contact Customer Service

Simply provide your LINE account ID to enjoy 1-to-1 support from our professional customer support team.


Receive uninterrupted signals

Receive real-time trading signals via LINE to make your trading journey smoother!

How do I receive and use trading signals?

After you provide your LINE account ID to our dedicated team, you will become friends with our signaling account and start receiving uninterrupted trading signals. Below is a demonstration of how to use the signals from the LINE APP to guide your trading decisions:

  • Trading Recommendations

    Each signal will provide investors with the opportunity to select a specific product to trade, and will include recommendations on trade direction and opening prices.

  • Risk Management

    The signals also provide Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) recommendations to help investors manage their risk during the trading process.

    To ensure the validity of trading signals, investors are advised to use the signals as soon as they are received. Rapidly changing market conditions may result in missing the best time to use the signal.

Signal service that exceeds your expectations!

  • ➢  Superior Performance
  • ➢  Superb technical analysis
  • ➢  Proven results
  • ➢  Real-time Signal via LINE
  • ➢  24/7 Expert support
  • ➢  The investor is still the final decision maker in trading


Of course you can! We offer a detailed guide on how to use our signals and dedicated 1-to-1 customer support, as well as a structured education program for new traders.
Due to the volatility of the market, you can expect to receive about 1-20 signals per day. When the market is not active, you may not receive any signals.
The main timeframes for analysis are: Intra-day, 4-hour, 1-hour and 15-minute timeframes. For long term trading, the benchmark is the 4-hour line, for medium term trading, the benchmark is the 1-hour line, and for short term trading, the benchmark is the 15-minute line.
Yes, you can.
Most transactions are completed within a few hours, occasionally overnight, and rarely more than 2 days.
No adjustments are normally made. Investors will be notified in advance if adjustments are required.
24/7 inter-zone trading for all time zones.
Offers 1-week, 1-month, 1-quarter, and 1-year options.
Open: 1.3360
Stop Loss: 1.3310
Take Profit: 1.3462
Credit card and USDT payments are supported.
Receive instantly via LINE APP.
Yes, you can.
Of course, MTI only provides transaction information for reference, and customers can decide how to use it.
We strive to provide accurate trading signals to investors. According to past statistics, the winning rate is about 65-80%. The past data range is for reference only. The actual situation may vary depending on personal operating strategy choices. It varies depending on other factors.
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